Saturday, February 11, 2012

our healer.

He is our healer, our protector and provider.
Whom should I fear if the Lord is my strength!?
I REFUSE to believe lies of fear from the enemy.
I REFUSE to give up though that is what I feel like doing.
I also Refuse to accept anything but God's leading in my life.
I must choose to listen to his still small voice and ignore the opinions of others, unless they be wise and Godly opinions to grow me or my family.

The Lord is my strength and my portion forever.
Though my flesh and heart may fail.
He Never fails. NEVER.

Now that is TRUTH. and a sigh of relief on this sabbath day.

I have failed a thousand times over,
but hopefully he will hold me in his arms today and let me just rest in him, knowing that I CAN go on in this world and that nothing can separate me from his love if I believe in him.

He can be trusted as he has shown me this past 2 years.
He had to put me in circumstances I disliked, but that is what it has taken to show me he is worthy of my trust.
Trust is a hard thing for me, and I am thankful to be learning it now.

So I can trust that he will heal the brokenness I feel.
I can trust that as my healer he can heal the pain, as well as the physical bodies of myself and my family.
His healing and protection are what I need.

Today's praises:
thinking about heaven but knowing there's still work to do here,
my little ones,
my loving husband,
a family to love even when they speak bad of me,
Godly friends that care, even if just a few.

Reminder to never let what others think shout loudly over the sweet voice of my heavenly father saying, "I'm here, don't believe what is not true. Do not settle for thoughts of fear or trust in worldly things. Hold on to me and you can do all good things."

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