Sunday, June 3, 2012

nothing but grace

I may write alot about all the struggles of this life,
I have analyzed and picked apart all the elements of being a Christ follower that I think about,
But I don't want to ever forget to tell others about Grace.

Truly, I am only anything because of my savior.
I was and still am a complete mess (but I'm trying to be like him with all I have).

1 Corinthians 13

New International Version (NIV)
13 If I speak in the tongues[a] of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.

And the truth is that I fail in this.
No one can tell me different, because I know my own heart. 
But i'm working on it. I'm working on trying to love when I just would rather not.

I sometimes wish the polishing process we go through could end, but then I look back and remember all those tough times were worth it to bring me to where I am, and that I still even need more to bring me to where I need to be.

We all need the growing up and polishing of the Lord. But are we willing to let him lead us through it?
Or do we cause our own troubles?
For me sometimes I have caused my own.
But we should not run from the things the Lord brings us to that cause us to grow...
when we run we end up falling into traps.
We think we can handle things on our own but we need him.

Hence why there are so many fillers for the space God intended on filling in our life.
We fill our time with lots of things:
you name it- food addiction, shopping, drinking, busyness in general, etc. etc.
I want to say, with grace, that none of this will fill you up.
We will always hunger for something more.
That something more space is easily filled when we get right with God.

And I don't have any easy fix for it.
I don't know how to tell someone what to do to fix their problems.
Sometimes I think I should.
But I do know, I found a best friend in Jesus and I hope everyone else can see how great a friend he is.
He needs to move in different ways for different people I think sometimes, but he's the same Jesus I love.

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